I am getting the following error :
The data couldn’t be read because it is missing.
When I run the following code:
struct Indicator: Decodable {
Printing error.localizedDescription
is misleading because it displays only a quite meaningless generic error message.
So never use localizedDescription
in Decodable
catch blocks.
In the simple form just
It shows the full error including the crucial information debugDescription
and context
errors are very comprehensive.
While developing code you could catch each Decodable
error separately for example
} catch let DecodingError.dataCorrupted(context) {
} catch let DecodingError.keyNotFound(key, context) {
print("Key '\(key)' not found:", context.debugDescription)
print("codingPath:", context.codingPath)
} catch let DecodingError.valueNotFound(value, context) {
print("Value '\(value)' not found:", context.debugDescription)
print("codingPath:", context.codingPath)
} catch let DecodingError.typeMismatch(type, context) {
print("Type '\(type)' mismatch:", context.debugDescription)
print("codingPath:", context.codingPath)
} catch {
print("error: ", error)
It shows only the most significant information.