I use the SUM(B1..B20)
formula to sum a column, but when I filter the data by an adjacent column, the sum doesn\'t update to reflect only those rows not filtered ou
When you use autofilter to filter results, Excel doesn't even bother to hide them: it just sets the height of the row to zero (up to 2003 at least, not sure on 2007).
So the following custom function should give you a starter to do what you want (tested with integers, haven't played with anything else):
Function SumVis(r As Range)
Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim total As Variant
For Each cell In r.Cells
If cell.Height <> 0 Then
total = total + cell.Value
End If
SumVis = total
End Function
You'll need to create a module in the workbook to put the function in, then you can just call it on your sheet like any other function (=SumVis(A1:A14)). If you need help setting up the module, let me know.