There is two ways for Git SSH verification in Android Studio or IntelliJ, changing via:
settings - Version Control - Git - SSH excuteable - "Built-in" or "Native"
- Built-in : means using ssh key pair built in Git for authentication.
you can generate it via
ssh-keygen -t rsa
the default saved path is "~/.ssh/id_rsa" and "~/.ssh/".
You should add the Public key in your BitBucket account.
the path like : manage account - SSH keys - add keys
- Native : means using the ssh pair generated by the native repository hosting service, such as BitBucket or GitHub, which is often auto-add in the service account. For example in GitHub. It generated a pair of SSH key, "~/.ssh/" and "~/.ssh/github_rsa" and the Public key has been auto-added in my account via GitHub GUI maybe. So change the SSH executable to "Native" could be a simple way.
Anyway, you can use the both way after you add the correct Public key in you acoount in repository hosting service.