I\'ve a QMap
object and I am trying to write its content to a file.
QMap extensions;
for(auto e : extensions)
QMap::iterator uses key() and value() - which can be found easily in the documentation for Qt 4.8 or the documentation for Qt-5.
A range-based for loop generates codes similar to this (see CPP reference):
for (auto __begin = extensions.begin(), __end = extensions.end();
__begin != __end; ++__begin) {
auto e = *__begin; // <--- this is QMap::iterator::operator*()
fout << e.first << "," << e.second << '\n';
QMap::iterator::iterator*() is equivalent to QMap::iterator::value(), and does not give a pair.
The best way to write this is without range-based for loop:
auto end = extensions.cend();
for (auto it = extensions.cbegin(); it != end; ++it)
std::cout << qPrintable(it.key()) << "," << qPrintable(it.value());