2009-10-05 18:11:08
2009-10-05 18:07:13
This should generate 235,how to do it ?
Because of unix epoch limitations, you could have problems compairing dates before 1970 and after 2038. I choose to loose precision (=don't look at the single second) but avoid to pass trough unix epoch conversions (getTimestamp). It depends on what you are doing to do...
In my case, using 365 instead (12*30) and "30" as mean month lenght, reduced the error in an usable output.
function DateIntervalToSec($start,$end){ // as datetime object returns difference in seconds
$diff = $end->diff($start);
$diff_sec = $diff->format('%r').( // prepend the sign - if negative, change it to R if you want the +, too
($diff->s)+ // seconds (no errors)
(60*($diff->i))+ // minutes (no errors)
(60*60*($diff->h))+ // hours (no errors)
(24*60*60*($diff->d))+ // days (no errors)
(30*24*60*60*($diff->m))+ // months (???)
(365*24*60*60*($diff->y)) // years (???)
return $diff_sec;
Note that the error could be 0, if "mean" quantities are intended for diff. The PHP docs don't speaks about this... In a bad case, error could be:
I prefer to suppose that somebody decided to consider "m" as 30 days and "y" as 365, charging "d" with the difference when "diff" walk trough non-30-days months...
If somebody knows something more about this and can provide official documentation, is welcome!