I have a complete, deployed, Express-based project, with many console.log() and console.error() statements throughout. The project runs using forever, directing the st
If you wish, you may create a custom logger for your application by extending the Node's build in "Console" class. Kindly refer to the following implementation
"use strict";
const moment = require('moment');
const util = require('util');
const Console = require('console').Console;
class Logger extends Console {
constructor(stdout, stderr, ...otherArgs) {
super(stdout, stderr, ...otherArgs);
log(...args) {
super.log(moment().format('D MMM HH:mm:ss'), '-', util.format(...args));
error(...args) {
super.error(moment().format('D MMM HH:mm:ss'), '-', util.format(...args));
module.exports = (function() {
return new Logger(process.stdout, process.stderr);
After that, you may use it in your code as :
const logger = require('./logger');
logger.log('hello world', 123456);
logger.error('some error occurred', err);