I need to programmatically access the current node version running in a library I am writing. Can\'t seem to find this in the docs.
I refined alsotang's answer a bit to compare versions:
const m = process.version.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
const [major, minor, patch] = m.slice(1).map(_ => parseInt(_));
To perform an assertion, do it like this:
if (major >= 13 || (major >= 12 && minor >= 12)) {
console.log("NodeJS is at least v12.12.0. It is safe to use fs.opendir!");
This can be shortened to a one-liner to use in bash:
NODE_VERSION_CHECK=$(node -e "const v = process.version.match(/(\\d+)\.(\\d+)\.(\\d+)/).slice(1).map(_ => parseInt(_)); console.log(v[0] >= 13 || (v[0] >= 12 && v[1] >= 12))")
if $NODE_VERSION -eq "true" ;
echo "NodeJS is at least v12.12.0."
or PowerShell:
$nodeVersion = $(node -e "const v = process.version.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/).slice(1).map(_ => parseInt(_)); console.log(v[0] >= 13 || (v[0] >= 12 && v[1] >= 12))")
if ($nodeVersion -eq "true") {
Write-Host "NodeJS is at least v12.12.0."