I have created an AIR app that is currently on the market. To update the app, obviously I must keep the same package name. My first version\'s were packaged usi
I actually tried brad's approach and couldn't imagine having to go through the process EVERY TIME i compiled a release. so i did something else...i modified ADT so it doesn't insert "air." at the start and replaces it with a more useful extension like "com."
Here's a summary of the approach:
use: jar xf adt.jar
to extract the adt.jar file to a directory on your desktop. you'll find it in {adobe SDK}/lib/
look for the file APKOutputStream.class
Open it in a hex editor (eg, HxD is what i used). Search for "air." (without the quotes but including the dot).
Don't delete the entry. i tried, you can't, it corrupts the class and it won't run. What you can do, however, is replace "air." with "com." because it has the same number of characters and doesn't mess with the length of the file. The com prefix is a lot more useful to most of us.
save the modified APKOutputStream.class file and repackage with JAR. something like this:
jar cfm ..\patchedadt.jar ..\MANIFEST.MF *
you'll want to copy that MANIFEST.MF file from the subdirectory of the package called META-INF
Rename your patchedadt.jar to adt.jar and put it back in the lib directory. Works with the Flash Builder and all that garb.
Needless to say, when you're in there, you'll want to produce your package without a "com." prefix so you don't end up with com.com.your.package.name.
maybe there was an easier way, but i didn't know any better and no one else had an answer except to decompile the apk, modify it, and recompile and that didn't even work. so i figured i'll share what i did in case someone else stumbles on it later :)