I\'m wondering if it\'s possible to count and print the number of bytes downloaded while the file is being downloaded.
out, err := os.Create(\"file.txt\")
Other answers have explained about PassThru
. Just provide a full example with callback function base on Dave Jack's answer.
package main
import (
// writeCounter counts the number of bytes written to it.
type writeCounter struct {
total int64 // total size
downloaded int64 // downloaded # of bytes transferred
onProgress func(downloaded int64, total int64)
// Write implements the io.Writer interface.
// Always completes and never returns an error.
func (wc *writeCounter) Write(p []byte) (n int, e error) {
n = len(p)
wc.downloaded += int64(n)
wc.onProgress(wc.downloaded, wc.total)
func newWriter(size int64, onProgress func(downloaded, total int64)) io.Writer {
return &writeCounter{total: size, onProgress: onProgress}
func main() {
client := http.DefaultClient
url := "http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/ForBiggerFun.mp4"
saveTo := "/Users/tin/Desktop/ForBiggerFun.mp4"
download(client, url, saveTo, func(downloaded, total int64) {
fmt.Printf("Downloaded %d bytes for a total of %d\n", downloaded, total)
func download(client *http.Client, url, filePath string, onProgress func(downloaded, total int64)) (err error) {
// Create file writer
file, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
// Determinate the file size
resp, err := client.Head(url)
if err != nil {
contentLength := resp.Header.Get("content-length")
length, err := strconv.Atoi(contentLength)
if err != nil {
// Make request
resp, err = client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
// pipe stream
body := io.TeeReader(resp.Body, newWriter(int64(length), onProgress))
_, err = io.Copy(file, body)
return err