How would I make a checkbox hide the dock icon if it was checked? I have made a checkbox toggle a menubar item but how would you do it with the dock icon? Looking for some code
Update for Swift, use both ways has been presented above (they give the same result):
public class func toggleDockIcon_Way1(showIcon state: Bool) -> Bool {
// Get transform state.
var transformState: ProcessApplicationTransformState
if state {
transformState = ProcessApplicationTransformState(kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication)
else {
transformState = ProcessApplicationTransformState(kProcessTransformToUIElementApplication)
// Show / hide dock icon.
var psn = ProcessSerialNumber(highLongOfPSN: 0, lowLongOfPSN: UInt32(kCurrentProcess))
let transformStatus: OSStatus = TransformProcessType(&psn, transformState)
return transformStatus == 0
public class func toggleDockIcon_Way2(showIcon state: Bool) -> Bool {
var result: Bool
if state {
result = NSApp.setActivationPolicy(NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Regular)
else {
result = NSApp.setActivationPolicy(NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Accessory)
return result