In my Android app I want to play or resume the played music after I pause it. I got my app to pause the music by sending a broadcast, but I can\'t get it to play or resume the m
Here is what I have discovered after testing these.
I have tried and verified these commands to work just fine.
// pause
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("command", "pause");
// play
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("command", "play");
// next
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("command", "next");
// previous
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("command", "previous");
Some more info about available commands:
public static final String SERVICECMD = "";
public static final String CMDNAME = "command";
public static final String CMDTOGGLEPAUSE = "togglepause";
public static final String CMDSTOP = "stop";
public static final String CMDPAUSE = "pause";
public static final String CMDPLAY = "play";
public static final String CMDPREVIOUS = "previous";
public static final String CMDNEXT = "next";
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