Do they have a reason for doing so? I mean, in the sum of minterms, you look for the terms with the output 1; I don\'t get why they call it \"minterms.\" Why not maxterms becaus
Here is another way to think about it.
A product is called a minterm because it has minimum-satisfiability where as a sum is called a maxterm because it has maximum-satisfiability among all practically interesting boolean functions.
They are called terms because they are used as the building-blocks of various canonical representations of arbitrary boolean functions.
Note that '0' and '1' are the trivial boolean functions.
Assume a set of boolean variables x1,x2,...,xk
and a non-trivial boolean function f(x1,x2,...,xk)
Conventionally, an input is said to satisfy the boolean function f
, whenever f
holds a value of 1
for that input.
Note that there are exactly 2^k
inputs possible, and any non-trivial boolean-function can satisfy a minimum of 1 input to a maximum of 2^k -1
Now consider the two simple boolean functions of interest: sum of all variables S, and product of all variables P (variables may/may-not appear as complements). S is one boolean function that has maximum-satisfiability hence called as maxterm, where as P is the one having minimum-satisfiability hence called a minterm.