What is the proper way to manage multiple chat rooms with socket.io?
So on the server there would be something like:
io.sockets.on(\'connection\', functi
Socket.IO v0.7 now gives you one Socket
per namespace you define:
var room1 = io.connect('/room1');
room1.on('message', function () {
// chat socket messages
room1.on('disconnect', function () {
// chat disconnect event
var room2 = io.connect('/room2');
room2.on('message', function () {
// chat socket messages
room2.on('disconnect', function () {
// chat disconnect event
With different sockets, you can selectively send to the specific namespace you would like.
Socket.IO v0.7 also has concept of "room"
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.join('a room');
socket.broadcast.to('a room').send('im here');
io.sockets.in('some other room').emit('hi');
Source: http://socket.io/#announcement