I\'m using the code below to generate the following chart.
# Setup
# Device start
png(filename = \"example.png\", units = \"cm\", width = 20, h
My answer won't fix the diagonal label issue but it will fix the overlay one.
I had this issue with the report I am currently writing, where the axis titles were always over the axes, especially in ggpairs. I used a combination of adjusting the out.height/out.width in conjunction with fig.height/fig.width. Separately the problem was not fixed, but together it was. fig.height/fig.width took the labels away from the axis but made them too small to read, and out.height/out.width just made the plot bigger with the problem unchanged. The below gave me the results shown:
out.height="400px", out.width="400px",fig.height=10,fig.width=10
before:plot with issues