I\'m using the code below to generate the following chart.
# Setup
# Device start
png(filename = \"example.png\", units = \"cm\", width = 20, h
Caveat: not a complete answer but perhaps suggests a way to approach it. You can do this by editing the grid
# Plot in current window
# use left to add space at y axis and bottom for below xaxis
# see ?print.ggpairs
print(pairs.chrt, left = 1, bottom = 1)
# Get list of grobs in current window and extract the axis labels
# note if you add a title this will add another text grob,
# so you will need to tweak this so not to extract it
g <- grid.ls(print=FALSE)
idx <- g$name[grep("text", g$name)]
# Rotate yaxis labels
# change the rot value to the angle you want
for(i in idx[1:6]) {
grid.edit(gPath(i), rot=0, hjust=0.25, gp = gpar(col="red"))
# Remove extra ones if you want
n <- ncol(airquality)
lapply(idx[c(1, 2*n)], grid.remove)