I am working with a large PostgreSQL database, and I am trying to tune it to get more performance.
Our queries and updates seem to be doing a lot of lookups using fore
i created a script with this code, seems to be a little bit shorter:
SELECT 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS fk_' || conname || '_idx; CREATE INDEX fk_' || conname || '_idx ON '
|| relname || ' ' ||
regexp_replace(pg_get_constraintdef(pg_constraint.oid, true),
' REFERENCES.*$','',''), 'FOREIGN KEY ','','') || ';'
FROM pg_constraint
JOIN pg_class
ON (conrelid = pg_class.oid)
JOIN pg_namespace
ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
WHERE contype = 'f'
AND nspname = 'public'
--AND 'fk_' || conname || '_idx' NOT IN (SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes)
comment in the last line if you do not want to recreate already existing indexes