I am hoping to find a good way to automate the process of going from code to a deployed application on my kubernetes cluster.
In order to build and deploy my app I need
I suppose I could just write a shell script that runs all of these commands, and run it whenever I want to start up a new deployment, but I am hoping there is a better/industry standard way to solve these problems that I have missed.
The company I work for (Weaveworks) and other folks in the space had been advocating for an approach that we call GitOps, please take a look at our series of blog posts covering the topic:
The gist of it is that you push images from CI, your checked YAML manifests in git (usually different repo from app code). This repo with manifests is then applied to each of your clusters (dev/prod) by a reconciliation operator. You can automate it all yourself quite easily, but also do take a look at what we have built.
Disclaimer: I am a Kubernetes contributor and Weaveworks employee. We build open-source and commercial tools that help people to get to production with Kubernetes sooner.