Given an unsorted array of positive integers, find the length of the longest subarray whose elements when sorted are continuous. Can you think of an O(n) solution?
See the array S in it's mathematical set definition :
S = Uj=0k (Ij)
Where the Ij are disjoint integer segments. You can design a specific interval tree (based on a Red-Black tree or a self-balancing tree that you like :) ) to store the array in this mathematical definitions. The node and tree structures should look like these :
struct node {
int d, u;
int count;
struct node *n_left, *n_right;
Here, d is the lesser bound of the integer segment and u, the upper bound. count
is added to take care of possible duplicates in the array : when trying to insert an already existing element in the tree, instead of doing nothing, we will increment the count
value of the node in which it is found.
struct root {
struct node *root;
The tree will only store disjoint nodes, thus, the insertion is a bit more complex than a classical Red-Black tree insertion. When inserting intervals, you must scans for potential overflows with already existing intervals. In your case, since you will only insert singletons this should not add too much overhead.
Given three nodes P, L and R, L being the left child of P and R the right child of P. Then, you must enforce L.u < P.d and P.u < R.d (and for each node, d <= u, of course).
When inserting an integer segment [x,y], you must find "overlapping" segments, that is to say, intervals [u,d] that satisfies one of the following inequalities :
y >= d - 1
x <= u + 1
If the inserted interval is a singleton x
, then you can only find up to 2 overlapping interval nodes N1 and N2 such that N1.d == x + 1
and N2.u == x - 1
. Then you have to merge the two intervals and update count, which leaves you with N3 such that N3.d = N2.d
, N3.u = N1.u
and N3.count = N1.count + N2.count + 1
. Since the delta between N1.d
and N2.u
is the minimal delta for two segments to be disjoint, then you must have one of the following :
So the insertion will still be in O(log(n))
in the worst case.
From here, I can't figure out how to handle the order in the initial sequence but here is a result that might be interesting : if the input array defines a perfect integer segment, then the tree only has one node.