Is there a way using the Google Maps API to get back an \"optimized\" route given a set of waypoints (in other words, a \"good-enough\" solution to the traveling salesman proble
In a typical TSP problem, the assumption is one can travel directly between any two points. For surface roads, this is never the case. When Google calculates a route between two points, it does a heuristic spanning tree optimization, and usually comes up with a fairly close to optimal path.
To calculate a TSP route, one would first have to ask Google to calculate the pair-wise distance between every node in the graph. I think this requires n*(n-1) / 2 calcs. One could then take those distances and perform a TSP optimization on them. has a Java WebStart application which may do what you want. Of course the calculations are being run client side. The project is open source, and may be worth a look.
Are you trying to find an optimal straight line path between locations, or the optimal driving route? If you just want to order the points, if you can get the GPS coordinates, it becomes a very easy problem.