Given an array of integers and some query operations.
The query operations are of 2 types
1.Update the value of the ith index to x.
2.Given 2 integers find the kth m
Damn, this solution can't update an element but at least finds that k-th element, here you'll get some ideas so you can think of some solution that provides update. Try pointer-based B-trees.
This is O(n log n) space and O(q log^2 n) time complexity. Later I explained the same with O(log n) per query.
So, you'll need to do the next:
1) Make a "segment tree" over given array.
2) For every node, instead of storing one number, you would store a whole array. The size of that array has to be equal to the number of it's children. That array (as you guessed) has to contain the values of the bottom nodes (children, or the numbers from that segment), but sorted.
3) To make such an array, you would merge two arrays from its two sons from segment tree. But not only that, for every element from the array you have just made (by merging), you need to remember the position of the number before its insertion in merged array (basically, the array from which it comes, and position in it). And a pointer to the first next element that is not inserted from the same array.
4) With this structure, you can check how many numbers there are that are lower than given value x, in some segment S. You find (with binary search) the first number in the array of the root node that is >= x. And then, using the pointers you have made, you can find the results for the same question for two children arrays (arrays of nodes that are children to the previous node) in O(1). You stop to operate this descending for each node that represents the segment that is whole either inside or outside of given segment S. The time complexity is O(log n): O(log n) to find the first element that is >=x, and O(log n) for all segments of decomposition of S.
5) Do a binary search over solution.
This was solution with O(log^2 n) per query. But you can reduce to O(log n):
1) Before doing all I wrote above, you need to transform the problem. You need to sort all numbers and remember the positions for each in original array. Now these positions are representing the array you are working on. Call that array P.
If bounds of the query segment are a and b. You need to find the k-th element in P that is between a and b by value (not by index). And that element represents the index of your result in original array.
2) To find that k-th element, you would do some type of back-tracking with complexity of O(log n). You will be asking the number of elements between index 0 and (some other index) that are between a and b by value.
3) Suppose that you know the answer for such a question for some segment (0,h). Get answers on same type of questions for all segments in tree that begin on h, starting from the greatest one. Keep getting those answers as long as the current answer (from segment (0,h)) plus the answer you got the last are greater than k. Then update h. Keep updating h, until there is only one segment in tree that begins with h. That h is the index of the number you are looking for in the problem you have stated.
To get the answer to such a question for some segment from tree you will spend exactly O(1) of time. Because you already know the answer of it's parent's segment, and using the pointers I explained in the first algorithm you can get the answer for the current segment in O(1).