Seems like this is a very common problem for beginners with CodeIgniter, but none of the solutions I\'ve found so far seems very relevant to my problem. Like the topic says I\'m
CodeIgniter doesn't really support real Objects. All the libraries, models and such, are like Singletons.
There are 2 ways to go, without changing the CodeIgniter structure.
Just include the file which contains the class, and generate it.
Use the load->library or load_class() method, and just create new objects. The downside of this, is that it will always generate 1 extra object, that you just don't need. But eventually the load methods will also include the file.
Another possibility, which will require some extra work, is to make a User_Factory library. You can then just add the object on the bottom of the file, and create new instances of it from the factory.
I'm a big fan of the Factory pattern myself, but it's a decision you have to make yourself.
I hope this helped you, if you have any questions that are more related to the implementation, just let me/us know.