I\'m loading a template with the following data:
\"slides\": [
\"template\": \"video\",
\"data\": {
\"video\": \"\"
I found the above answers a little hard to understand - they leak globals, have single character variables, and some odd naming. So here's my own answer, for my (and your) reference:
A dynamic partial using 'hbs', express.js default handlebars implementation:
I used this to make a simple blog making (article-name).md
into /blog/(article-name)
, creating a dynamic partial:
// Create handlebars partials for each blog item
var slug = blogItem.replace('.md','')
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync('blog/'+blogItem, 'utf8')
var html = marked(fileContents)
var compiledTemplate = hbs.compile(html);
hbs.registerPartial(slug, compiledTemplate);
// Create 'showBlogItem' helper that acts as a dynamic partial
hbs.registerHelper('showBlogItem', function(slug, context, opts) {
var loadedPartial = hbs.handlebars.partials[slug];
return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(loadedPartial(context));
Here's the route. It 404s if the partial doesn't exist, because the blog doesn't exist.
router.get('/blog/:slug', function(req, res){
var slug = req.param("slug")
var loadedPartial = hbs.handlebars.partials[slug];
if ( ! loadedPartial ) {
return res.status(404).json({ error: 'Article not found' })
res.render('blog', {
slug: slug
looks like:
{{ showBlogItem slug }}