I\'m currently working with a fairly old product that\'s been saddled with a lot of technical debt from poor programmers and poor development practices in the past. We are star
Sonar has a great plugin (technical debt plugin) to analyze your sourcecode to look for just such a metric. While you may not specifically be able to use it for your build, as it is a maven tool, it should provide some good metrics.
Here is a snippet of their algorithm:
Debt(in man days) =
cost_to_fix_duplications +
cost_to_fix_violations +
cost_to_comment_public_API +
cost_to_fix_uncovered_complexity +
Where :
Duplications = cost_to_fix_one_block * duplicated_blocks
Violations = cost_to fix_one_violation * mandatory_violations
Comments = cost_to_comment_one_API * public_undocumented_api
Coverage = cost_to_cover_one_of_complexity *
uncovered_complexity_by_tests (80% of
coverage is the objective)
Complexity = cost_to_split_a_method *
(function_complexity_distribution >=
8) + cost_to_split_a_class *
(class_complexity_distribution >= 60)