I\'m building an app for Android using Cordova. The android emulator was working fine but I wasn\'t using it because I installed the Ripple emulator. I continued on building my
I was playing with the Cordova workshop tutorial and ran into a similar issue with the android emulator not starting. I checked the above answer but it still didn't work for me. So here is what I did (I'm using windows 7):
I started the AVD (Android Virtual device)
manager from:
start->programs->Android SDK Tools->AVD
I noticed the single entry listed for Nexus_5_API_21_X86
had "?" next to Platform and other columns. This made me wonder why.
I click "Edit
" and specify the target platform, and other missing fields.
Click the "Start" to start the AVD
. After a min, you should also see the android emulator screen display.
rerun cordova (c:\Cordova\workshop>cordova emulate android)
Voila! The command window then displays the compilation progress and finally, you should see the messages below. After another min, you should be able to find your app on the android emulator.
Total time: 1 mins 10.307 secs
Built the following apk(s):
Installing app on emulator...
Using apk: C:\Cordova\workshop\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\android-debug.apk
Launching application...
Hope this helps!