I am able to find the cursor position. But I need to find out if the mouse is stable. If the mouse wasn\'t moved for more than 1 minute, then we have to alert the user.
Here's a one-and-done function that can check any element for movement:
function mouse (element, delay, callback) {
// Counter Object
element.ms = {};
// Counter Value
element.ms.x = 0;
// Counter Function
element.ms.y = function () {
// Callback Trigger
if ((++element.ms.x) == delay) element.ms.callback(element, element.ms);
// Counter Callback
element.ms.callback = callback;
// Function Toggle
element.ms.toggle = function (state) {
// Stop Loop
if ([0, "off"][state]) clearInterval(element.ms.z);
// Create Loop
if ([1, "on"][state]) element.ms.z = setInterval(element.ms.y, 1);
// Function Disable
element.ms.remove = function () {
// Delete Counter Object
element.ms = null; return delete element.ms;
// Function Trigger
element.onmousemove = function () {
// Reset Counter Value
element.ms.x = -1;
// Return
return element.ms;
mouse(element, delay, callback)
Examples: Make a video player hide the mouse after 5 seconds when idle and fullscreen
let x = mouse(video, 5000, function (a) {
if (document.webkitIsFullScreen) video.style.cursor = "none";
x.toggle(1); addEventListener("mousemove", function () {
video.style.cursor = "auto";
Chat Room AFK (45 Seconds) (assuming you have a chat box and a send message function):
let x = mouse(chatBox, (45e3), function (a) {
chatBox.send({ text: chatBox.username + " is AFK.", italic: true });
x.toggle(1); x.addEventListener("mousemove", function () {
chatBox.send({ text: chatBox.username + " is no longer AFK", italic: true });