I\'m trying to run a command at a specific time. I\'ve looked at the \"at\" command, but I don\'t know how to get it working...
Here\'s what I do:
at 184
The at command is not installed by default to the systems I work (Ubuntu, RHEL) and I don't have permissions to install new software, so I use scripts that combine bash and awk in order to achieve the at functionality as follows:
#! /bin/bash
while [ ! $res ]; do
res=$( date | awk -v hour=$1 -v min=$2 '{
split($4, tmp, ":" );
if( (tmp[1] == hour) && (tmp[2] == min) )
print "ok";
print "";
}' )
./atReplacement.sh $HOUR $MIN; [OTHER_COMMANDS]