This morning, I read two opinions on refactoring.
They recommend branching (and s
Branching might be painful but it shouldn't be.
That's what git-like projects (mercurial, bazar) tells us about CVS and SVN. On git and mercurial, branching is easy. On SVN it's easy but with big projects it can be a bit hardcore to manage (because of time spent on the branching/merging process that can be very long -- compared to some others like git and mercurial -- and difficult if there are non-obvious conflicts). That don't help users that are not used to branch often to have confidence in branching. Lot of users unaware of the powerful uses of branching just keep it away to not add new problems to their projects, letting the fear of the unknown make them far from efficiency.
Branching should be an easy and powerful tool we'd have to use for any reason good enough to branch.
Some good reasons to branchs: