I recently saw the talks Dead-Simple Dependency Injection and Dependency Injection Without the Gymnastics about DI with Monads and was impressed. I tried to apply it on a simple
The "reader monad" is just Function1
, so all you need to do is accept an argument containing all the things you need. For example:
trait Config {
def fly: FlyBehaviour
def quack: QuackBehaviour
type Env[A] = Config => A
Now if you want to construct a Duck
based on this environment:
val a: Env[Animal] = c => new Duck(c.fly, c.quack)
And then constructing a Zoo
based on that is easy:
val z: Env[Zoo] = a andThen (new Zoo(_))
Using Scalaz (or with a bit of work on your own) you can make use of some syntax niceties to "ask" for the config c
val z: Env[Zoo] = for {
c <- ask
} yield new Zoo(Duck(c.fly, c.quack))