How to wake up Android with use adb - I want to wake up (if asleep) Android terminal before debugging every new version of application.
Typical flow is: 1. I do some cha
I used the following to wake up remote devices for automated tests. If the screen isn't on, then it will press the power button followed by the menu button.
cd ${platform-tools};
./adb shell dumpsys power | grep -i 'SCREEN_ON' >/dev/null;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Screen is on...";
echo "Pressing buttons to wake-up...";
./adb shell input keyevent 26; # Power
./adb shell input keyevent 82; # Menu
echo "Pausing for state to settle...";
sleep 1;
./adb shell dumpsys power | grep -i 'SCREEN_ON';
echo '---';
./adb shell dumpsys power | grep -i 'SCREEN'