I am working with 5 repos that I have cloned in my development environment. When I want to update a git repo, I enter the folder /home/adrian/repo1/ and do:
git checkout
As I have many git repo's checked out locally for work, i decided to write a more detailed script to update all the repo's (bash script will search for git repos up to 3 folders deep to update. It will then do a git stash, fetch, rebase, and stash pop the local changes back. Script for me runs in git bash shell on windows.
# Usage:
# ./update_git_repos.sh [parent_directory]
# example usage:
# ./update_git_repos.sh C:/GitProjects/ [MAKE SURE YOU USE / SLASHES]
updateRepo() {
local dir="$1"
local original_dir="$2"
cd $dir # switch to the git repo
repo_url=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
echo "****************************************************************************"
echo "Updating Repo: $dir with url: $repo_url"
echo "Starting update in $PWD"
if [ "$repo_url" == "git@someserver:repo/repo.git" ]; then # if you have a repo where the primary branch isnt master
# update the repo, then stash any local changes
echo -e "\ncalling: git fetch --all && git stash"
(git fetch --all && git stash)
current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# switch to master/trunk branch and rebase it, then switch back to original branch
if [ $current_branch != $main_branch ]; then
echo -e "\ncalling: git checkout $main_branch && git rebase && git checkout $current_branch"
(git checkout $main_branch && git rebase && git checkout $current_branch)
# rebase the original branch and then stash pop back to original state
echo -e "\ncalling: git rebase && git stash pop on branch: $current_branch"
(git rebase && git stash pop )
#switch back to the starting directory
cd $original_dir
echo ""
if [ -z "$directory_to_update" ] ; then
echo "no directory passed in, using current directory"
echo "Updating git repo's in directory: $directory_to_update"
for dir in $(find $directory_to_update -maxdepth 4 -type d -name .git | xargs -n 1 dirname); do
updateRepo $dir $directory_to_update #& #uncomment to make it run in multiple threads, meh
echo "$count local git repos have been updated!"