I am making my way through the NLTK book and I can\'t seem to do something that would appear to be a natural first step for building a decent grammar.
My goal is to buil
I know this is a year later but I wanted to add some thoughts.
I take a lot of different sentences and tag them with parts of speech for a project I'm working on. From there I was doing as StompChicken suggested, pulling the tags from the tuples (word, tag) and using those tags as the "terminals" (the bottom nodes of tree as we create a completely tagged sentence).
Ultimately this doesn't suite my desire to mark head nouns in noun phrases, since I can't pull the head noun "word" into the grammar, since the grammar only has the tags.
So what I did was instead use the set of (word, tag) tuples to create a dictionary of tags, with all the words with that tag as values for that tag. Then I print this dictionary to the screen/grammar.cfg (context free grammar) file.
The form I use to print it works perfectly with setting up a parser through loading a grammar file (parser = nltk.load_parser('grammar.cfg')
). One of the lines it generates looks like this:
VBG -> "fencing" | "bonging" | "amounting" | "living" ... over 30 more words...
So now my grammar has the actual words as terminals and assigns the same tags that nltk.tag_pos
Hope this helps anyone else wanting to automate tagging a large corpus and still have the actual words as terminals in their grammar.
import nltk
from collections import defaultdict
tag_dict = defaultdict(list)
""" (Looping through sentences) """
# Tag
tagged_sent = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
# Put tags and words into the dictionary
for word, tag in tagged_sent:
if tag not in tag_dict:
elif word not in tag_dict.get(tag):
# Printing to screen
for tag, words in tag_dict.items():
print tag, "->",
first_word = True
for word in words:
if first_word:
print "\"" + word + "\"",
first_word = False
print "| \"" + word + "\"",
print ''