How can I plot a very large data set in R?
I\'d like to use a boxplot, or violin plot, or similar. All the data cannot be fit in memory. Can I incrementally read in and
Problem is you can't load all data into the memory. So you could do sampling of the data, as indicated earlier by @Marek. On such a huge datasets, you get essentially the same results even if you take only 1% of the data. For the violin plot, this will give you a decent estimate of the density. Progressive calculation of quantiles is impossible, but this should give a very decent approximation. It is essentially the same as the "randomized method" described in the link @aix gave.
If you can't subset the date outside of R, it can be done using connections in combination with sample()
. Following function is what I use to sample data from a dataframe in text format when it's getting too big. If you play a bit with the connection, you could easily convert this to a socketConnection or other to read it from a server, a database, whatever. Just make sure you open the connection in the correct mode.
Good, take a simple .csv file, then following function samples a fraction p of the data:
sample.df <- function(f,n=10000,split=",",p=0.1){
con <- file(f,open="rt",)
y <- data.frame()
#read header
x <- character(0)
x <- strsplit(readLines(con,n=1),split)[[1]]
Names <- x
#read and process data
x <- tryCatch(read.table(con,nrows=n,sep=split),error = function(e) NULL )
if(is.null(x)) {break}
names(x) <- Names
nn <- nrow(x)
id <- sample(1:nn,round(nn*p))
y <- rbind(y,x[id,])
rownames(y) <- NULL
An example of the usage :
#Make a file
Df <- data.frame(
# n is number of lines to be read at once, p is the fraction to sample
DF2 <- sample.df("test.txt",n=1000,p=0.2)
#clean up