I am using python to create a gaussian filter of size 5x5. I saw this post here where they talk about a similar thing but I didn\'t find the exact way to get equivalent python c
You could try this too (as product of 2 independent 1D Gaussian random variables) to obtain a 2D Gaussian Kernel:
from numpy import pi, exp, sqrt
s, k = 1, 2 # generate a (2k+1)x(2k+1) gaussian kernel with mean=0 and sigma = s
probs = [exp(-z*z/(2*s*s))/sqrt(2*pi*s*s) for z in range(-k,k+1)]
kernel = np.outer(probs, probs)
print kernel
#[[ 0.00291502 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.00792386 0.00291502]
#[ 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.05854983 0.02153928 0.00792386]
#[ 0.02153928 0.05854983 0.15915494 0.05854983 0.02153928]
#[ 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.05854983 0.02153928 0.00792386]
#[ 0.00291502 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.00792386 0.00291502]]
import matplotlib.pylab as plt