I am trying to generate a Formatted Full address using CLGeocoder in Swift 3. I referred to this SO thread to get the code given below.
However, sometimes the app crashe
This is my code for swift 3
func getAdressName(coords: CLLocation) {
CLGeocoder().reverseGeocodeLocation(coords) { (placemark, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Hay un error")
} else {
let place = placemark! as [CLPlacemark]
if place.count > 0 {
let place = placemark![0]
var adressString : String = ""
if place.thoroughfare != nil {
adressString = adressString + place.thoroughfare! + ", "
if place.subThoroughfare != nil {
adressString = adressString + place.subThoroughfare! + "\n"
if place.locality != nil {
adressString = adressString + place.locality! + " - "
if place.postalCode != nil {
adressString = adressString + place.postalCode! + "\n"
if place.subAdministrativeArea != nil {
adressString = adressString + place.subAdministrativeArea! + " - "
if place.country != nil {
adressString = adressString + place.country!
self.lblPlace.text = adressString
You can esaily call above funcation like:
let cityCoords = CLLocation(latitude: newLat, longitude: newLon)
cityData(coord: cityCoords)