For one of my ASP.NET 3.5 applications, every single time I try to build the web app, it throws the following build errors in Visual Studio 2008:
Error 16
The file cannot be deleted, fortunately can be renamed and moved. So I created prebuild batch (using date and time as random string, there can be easier ways):
For /f "Tokens=2,3,4 Delims=/. " %%i In ("%Date%") Do @(
Set Month=%%i& Set Day=%%j& Set Year=%%k
set ActDate=%Year%-%Month%-%Day%
For /f "Tokens=1,2,3 Delims=/.:, " %%i In ("%Time%") Do @(
Set Hour=0%%i& Set Min=%%j& Set Sec=%%k
set ActTime=%Hour:~-2,2%-%Min%-%Sec%
move c:\MyProject\bin\Debug\myproject.exe c:\garbage\%ActDate%_%ActTime%_myproject.exe