I\'m trying to take some functions from a large C++ shared library (libbig.so) and expose them to Python via Cython. To do so, I\'ve got a little C++ file (small.cpp) that provi
Here's my tricky solution. The idea is to "hide" the presence of cython
until it's installed by the requirements. This can be achieved by lazy evaluation. Here's an example:
from setuptools import setup, Extension
class lazy_cythonize(list):
def __init__(self, callback):
self._list, self.callback = None, callback
def c_list(self):
if self._list is None: self._list = self.callback()
return self._list
def __iter__(self):
for e in self.c_list(): yield e
def __getitem__(self, ii): return self.c_list()[ii]
def __len__(self): return len(self.c_list())
def extensions():
from Cython.Build import cythonize
ext = Extension('native_ext_name', ['your/src/*.pyx'])
return cythonize([ext])
configuration = {
'name': 'mypackage',
'packages': ['yourpurepythonpackage'],
'install_requires': ['cython==0.17'],
'ext_modules': lazy_cythonize(extensions)
lazy_cythonize is a fake list that generates its internal elements only when someone tries to access to it.
When it's required, this class imports Cython.Build
and generates the list of extensions. This avoids to keep the *.c
files in your project, requiring cython to be installed when the module is building.
Quite tricky, but actually it's working.