From the Laravel docs, you can include \'sections\' inside layouts using two methods:
Short Answer: Always use @yield
unless you want to do something more complicated then providing a default string
Long Answer: Both @yield and @section .. @show are used to be optionally overwritten whenever you extend the blade template. Everything you can do with @yield can also be done with @section .. @show but not the other way around. Here is what they do:
@section('main') .. @show
Here some examples:test.blade.php
This is a test
@yield('mainB', 'This is the alternative 1')
@yield('mainC', 'This is the alternative 2
@yield('mainD', 'This is the alternative 3')
This is the alternative 4
This is the alternative 5
This is the alternative 6
here is another file called testA.blade.php
which extends the other bladed file:
First replacement!
Second replacement!
Additional content
And that is the outcome: