I\'m trying to unpack my changes to the another branch using TFS Power Tools. I\'m trying to execute command
tfpt unshelve /migrate \"NuGet Build\" \"/sourc
You can define your path in cmd with the TFPT. And then, from there, you go to the destination folder or workspace where you want to unshelve your code.
1. c:\>path = %path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools
2. cd c:\[some location]\"destination workspace"
3. tfpt unshelve /migrate "NuGet Build" /source:"$/ProjectName/Main/Source" /target:"$/ProjectName/Main/Target-NuGet"
Here you have a video that explains this.
Link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/cc896548.aspx