$ git add test-file
$ git commit -m \'first commit\'
create mode 100644 test-file
$ git push
$ git update-index --add --chmod=+x test-
MSYS is not the problem. Even if MSYS chmod
doesnt work (it doesnt), Git has a built in way of getting around that problem, ie git update-index --chmod=+x
. Let it be clear that git update-index only messes with the index (staging area), not the local repository (working directory).
I am convinced the problem is with GitHub. On GitHub if a file is initially pushed with mode 100775, all is well. If a file is initially pushed as 100644 it causes a problem. Attempts to change the file mode will succeed with git add
, succeed with git commit
, succeed with git push
, and even show up in the GitHub file history, but not be reflected on the "blob/master" page on GitHub.
From: Petros Amiridis (GitHub Staff)
Subject: How to change FIle Mode on GitHub?
I have some good news. Our awesome team has just confirmed it is a caching bug on our end. Our team has deployed a fix.