When you assign a date to a named SQL parameter Hibernate automatically converts it to GMT time. How do you make it use the current server timezone for all dates?
Lets s
Hibernate team has deprecated setTimestamp(String name, Date val) method as well as org.hibernate.Query interface since version 5.2:
/* @deprecated (since 5.2) use {@link #setParameter(int, Object)} or
{@link #setParameter(int, Object, Type)} instead
So you can use below code:
import org.hibernate.query.Query;
Query query = session.createQuery("from Table where date_field < :now");
query.setParameter("now", new Date(), TimestampType.INSTANCE );
It's notable that setDate method which cuts down time portion is also deprecated and can be replaced with this option(from the same interface org.hibernate.query.Query):
query.setParameter("firstMomentOfToday", new Date(), DateType.INSTANCE);
If you are going to use it with java 8 and the relevent jdbc drivers like Oracle 'ojdbc8.jar' and supported hibernate versions this might not work as expected, so it's wise to use new java.time.LocalDate and LocalDateTime instead.