I\'m trying to create a simple game where the point is to collect as many blocks as you can in a certain amount of time, say 10 seconds. How can I get a timer to begin ticking a
I use this function in my python programs. The input for the function is as example:
value = time.time()
def stopWatch(value):
'''From seconds to Days;Hours:Minutes;Seconds'''
valueD = (((value/365)/24)/60)
Days = int (valueD)
valueH = (valueD-Days)*365
Hours = int(valueH)
valueM = (valueH - Hours)*24
Minutes = int(valueM)
valueS = (valueM - Minutes)*60
Seconds = int(valueS)
print Days,";",Hours,":",Minutes,";",Seconds
start = time.time() # What in other posts is described is
***your code HERE***
end = time.time()
stopWatch(end-start) #Use then my code