When I access the /health
endpoint from my Spring Boot application (1.2.4.RELEASE) it is returning a status of DOWN
status: \"DO
If the health url shows "DOWN" or HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable error, then try adding the below property in application.properties
URL - http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
Now the url should show more than just DOWN. If Solr host is not reachable, then ignore the Solr check using the below exclusion -
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = { SolrAutoConfiguration.class })
Now the health should come up. The health check basically validates predefined health check internally (Example - DataSourceHealthIndicator, DiskSpaceHealthIndicator, CassandraHealthIndicator
, etc).
If one of the health indicator is down, the health will be down and you can see the error as a response after adding the property mentioned above to application.properties.