So when I make a POST API call to my server, I get a 400 Bad Request error with JSON response.
\"userMessage\": \"Blah\",
\"internalMessage\": \"Bad Re
Here is the simplest solution,
If you want to handle the response from onFailure method:
public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {
HttpException httpException = (HttpException) t;
String errorBody = httpException.response().errorBody().string();
// use Gson to parse json to your Error handling model class
ErrorResponse errorResponse = Gson().fromJson(errorBody, ErrorResponse.class);
Or if you are using rxjava Observable with Kotlin, handle it from error body:
{ error ->
val httpException :HttpException = error as HttpException
val errorBody: String = httpException.response().errorBody()!!.string()
// use Gson to parse json to your Error handling model class
val errorResponse: ErrorResponse =
Don't forget to properly handle json to class conversion (use try-catch if not sure).