Is there any way to copy database structure without data in MySQL, so the new database will be the same as it is copied from, but with empty tables.
After getting some s
mysqldump -d
is not enough because in TRIGGERS, PROCEDURES etc. you can have references like 'old_db'.tb_name
that must be replaced with 'new_db'.tb_name
# ./ old_db new_db
I use a file /root/.mysqlcnx
with credentials (instead of using -u root -pPass)
user = root # or powerfull_user with GRANTS
password = pass_string
host = localhost
and the following script to clone a database [ experiment it on a virtual machine for confidence ]
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "syntax:\n.\ source_db_name target_db_name [--drop]\n"
exit 1
# checking target database $2 exits
tg_db=$(mysql --defaults-extra-file=~/.mysqlcnx -s -N -e "SELECT count(*)>0 FROM
information_schema.SCHEMATA where SCHEMA_NAME='${2}'")
if [ $tg_db = '1' ]; then
# checking target database has tables
tg_tb=$(mysql --defaults-extra-file=~/.mysqlcnx -s -N -e " SELECT count(*) > 0
FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${2}'")
if [ $tg_tb = '1' ]; then
if [ $# -eq 3 ] && [ "$3" = '--drop' ]; then
echo "TYPE 'YES' (case sensitive) TO OVERRIDE"
read opt # request confirmation
if [ "$opt" != "YES" ]; then
exit 1
printf "DATABASE \"${2}\" EXISTS AND HAS TABLES\nUSE --drop as 3rd arg to override!\n"
exit 1
mysql --defaults-extra-file=~/.mysqlcnx -e "CREATE DATABASE \`${2}\`"
echo "CREATING ${2}"
mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=~/.mysqlcnx -d $1 | # dump source
sed "s/\`${1}\`\./\`${2}\`\./g" | # solving `source_db`.tb_name
sed 's/AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]\+/''/g' | # solving AUTO_INCREMENT=1
mysql --defaults-extra-file=~/.mysqlcnx $2 # populating target_db
echo "DONE"
NOTE: someone that knows bash better please correct me if necessary