Right now I have the following in my Vagrantfile:
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = \"cookbooks\"
chef.add_recipe \"apt\"
For the recent Chef version, i.e version 14. You could also use https://docs.chef.io/resource_apt_update.html
The below output was my experiment running that resource for chef_14.5.33 in local mode (zero):
curl -O https://packages.chef.io/files/stable/chef/14.5.33/ubuntu/18.04/chef_14.5.33-1_amd64.de
sudo dpkg -i chef_14.5.33-1_amd64.deb
mkdir -p cookbooks/hello/recipes/ && echo "apt_update" > cookbooks/hello/recipes/default.rb
sudo sh -c 'chef-client -z -o hello'
[2018-10-12T10:25:30+00:00] WARN: No config file found or specified on command line, using command line options.
Starting Chef Client, version 14.5.33
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[hello]]
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[hello]]
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["hello"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
- hello (0.0.0)
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...
Converging 1 resources
Recipe: hello::default
* apt_update[] action periodic (up to date)
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Skipping final node save because override_runlist was given
[2018-10-12T10:25:32+00:00] WARN: Skipping final node save because override_runlist was given
Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 0/1 resources updated in 01 seconds