Right now I have the following in my Vagrantfile:
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = \"cookbooks\"
chef.add_recipe \"apt\"
The simplest and most direct way to solve the problem is by applying the following patch (h/t @ashchristopher):
The problem is that the postgresql::client
recipe runs the install action on the package resources at postgresql/recipes/client.rb:39 and 44 at compile-time rather than run-time like normal (h/t Tim Potter), causing them to be evaluated by Chef (and thus installed) before anything else runs.
pg_packages.each do |pg_pack|
package pg_pack do
action :nothing
gem_package "pg" do
action :nothing
I believe this is done in service of the database cookbook's postgres provider, which depends on the postgresql
cookbook and relies on the pg
gem being installed before it will compile. Applying the above patch may break the database
The other alternative solution would be to create a recipe which runs apt-get update
also at compile time and put it in your run_list
before the postgresql
cookbook. In its simplest form that would probably be something like:
execute "apt-get update" do
action :nothing