C#, 422 chars
758 754 641 627 584 546 532 486 457 454 443 440 422 chars (next time maybe I won't submit so soon.)
using A=System.Console;class B{static int C,o,d,e,G,O=1,f,F,u,n;static
void Main(){var s=A.In.ReadToEnd();A.Clear();while(++u32){if(int.Parse(s[u]+""+s[++u])==O){o=
e>f?1:f>e?-1:0;C=d>F?1:F>d?-1:0 ;G=e+o;n=d+C;if(O++>1)while(n!=F||G!=f)
{A.SetCursorPosition(G-=o,n-=C);A.Write( "+/-|\\"[n==d&&G==e?0:n==F&&G
==f?0:C+o==0?1:C==0?2:o==0?3:4]);}e=f;d=F;F=0;f=u=-1 ;}f++;}}A.Read();}}
Usage: run, paste (or type) the input, ensure the last line is terminated, press CTRL-Z or F6, press Enter.
Formatted but still basically unintelligable version:
using A = System.Console;
class B
// code golf fun!
static int C, o, d, e, G, O = 1, f, F, u, n;
static void Main()
// read the input into a string char by char until EOF
var s = A.In.ReadToEnd();
A.Clear(); // clear console, ready to draw picture
// O is the "dot" number we're looking for
// f is current column
// F is current row
// loop over the field looking for numbers sequentially
// until no more are found
while (++u < s.Length)
// any char <32 is expected to be a CR/LF
// increment the current row and reset the current column
if (s[u] < 32)
u++; // skip the other half of the CR/LF pair
F++; // next row
f = 0; // column reset
// any char >32 is expected to be a number
if (s[u] > 32)
// parse the current + next char and see if it's
// the number we want
if (int.Parse(s[u] + "" + s[++u]) == O)
// set up coordinates, compare X1 with X2
// and Y1 with Y2 to figure out line direction
// horizontal direction (same as o=e.CompareTo(f))
o = e > f ? 1 : f > e ? - 1 : 0;
// vertical direction (same as C=d.CompareTo(F))
C = d > F ? 1 : F > d ? - 1 : 0;
// initial offsets compensate for off-by-one
G = e + o;
n = d + C;
// draw the line (except for the very first dot)
if (O++ > 1)
while (n != F || G != f)
// update coords and write desired char
A.SetCursorPosition(G -= o, n -= C);
// this lovely line decides which char to
// print, and prints it
"+/-|\\"[n == d && G == e ? 0 : n == F && G
== f ? 0 : C + o == 0 ? 1 : C == 0 ? 2 : o
== 0 ? 3 : 4]);
// remember end point of this line, to use as start point
// of next line
e = f;
d = F;
// reset current row (F), column (f), field position (u)
F = 0;
f = u = -1;
// bump current column because we parse 2 chars when we
// find a dot
A.Read(); // prevent command prompt from overwriting picture