Powershell, 328 304 characters
and here's a pretty-printed version with comments:
# Usage: gc testfile.txt | dots.ps1
$l=$i=0 # line, dot index (used below)
$k=@{} # hashtable that maps dot index to coordinates
# Apply regular expression to each line of the input
$s=@( $input | foreach{
[regex]::matches($_,"\d+") | foreach{
# Store each match in the hashtable
$k[ 1*$_.Value ] = @{ y = $l; x = $_.Index }
$l++; # Next line
"" # For each line return an empty string.
# The strings are added to the array $s which
# is used to produce the final output
# Connect the dots!
while( $a = $k[ ++$i ] )
if( $i -eq 1 ) # First dot?
# Current position is ($x, $y)
$x = $a.x;
$y = $a.y
$d = $a.x.CompareTo( $x ) # sign( $a.x - $x )
$e = $a.y.CompareTo( $y ) # sign( $a.y - $y )
$c = '\-/|+|/-\'[ 4 + $d * 3 + $e ] # character '
# Move
$x += $d
$y += $e
# "Replace" the charcter at the current position
# PadRight() ensures the string is long enough
$s[ $y ]=$s[ $y ].PadRight( $x+1 ).Remove( $x, 1 ).Insert( $x, $c )
} while( $d -or $e ) # Until the next dot is reached
# Print the resulting string array