I am trying to decide whether I should use Django\'s Client
or RequestFactory
to test my views.
I am creating my server using DjangoRESTFramewo
When using Django REST framework request factory would be helpfull to test the permissions.
Class TestPermission(TestCase):
def test_admin_permisiion(self):
admin_user = User.objects.create(email='admin@gmail.com',password='admin997',is_staff=True)
factory = RequestFactory()
request = factory.get('/')
request.user = admin_user
permission = IsAdminUser()
has_permission = permission.has_permission(request, None)
what we have done hear is we created a admin user by setting is_staff=True , then we created a request and assigned the admin as user of the request. request factory helps us do so. then we checked the IsAdminUser() permission from DRF against the request. the test will pass .
Client is to be used when you need to test the response returned by an Api.