I like swagger for documenting Restful APIs very much, especially \"Try it out!\" button, but swagger-ui
interface doesn\'t look very cool.
And I cannot bel
A late answer, albeit a good one. This is pretty awesome! A slick implementation, and he has customized many things that are easy to tweak yet again for your needs: https://github.com/jensoleg/swagger-ui.
Credits go to this google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/swagger-swaggersocket/oeMyayrvKRI. Strange that this has not been posted here yet.
For an action demo, please check out this link: http://senodio.com/site/swagger/#!/pet/addPet
EDIT: Recently found that the DEMO is down, so I forked the Repo (https://github.com/MartinSahlen/swagger-ui) and created a simple node/express server that runs on heroku. Please note that this a free heroku dyno, so it might take a while to load (~20 sec) if there is low activity on it for some time.
You're welcome: http://sleepy-harbor-80783.herokuapp.com/#!/pet/addPet
EDIT 2: Just came across another one that looks promising: https://github.com/legendecas/material-swagger-ui . It also seems that the swagger ui I am hosting now is resurrected at http://swaggerui.herokuapp.com/. Keeping mine as well in case it is taken down again.